Friday, December 19, 2014

Consuming Me

Because friendship sometimes, wears a crisp white shirt.
And then, wears a crazy smile.

Because friendship is a lover of writing with his voice.
And then, once in a silver moon with his heart.

Because friendship is always steadfast in his affection.
And then, even more steadfast in his snubs.

Because friendship says he loves you yapping nineteen to a dozen.
And then, shits you for playing the part.

Because friendship loves eating vegetarian pizzas.
And then, for the most part, your head.

Because friendship digs taking you for a ride.
And then, despises anyone else who dares.

Because friendship sounds deep when he says, 'I'm right here okay.'
And then, his deepest when he lets his eyes talk.

Because friendship always makes you lose an evening too soon.
And then, finds it back from that memory-lane walk.

Because friendship sometimes, rests in the bunker between your neck and shoulder.
And then, gently makes his way for your heart.

Because friendship sometimes, calls you when you least expect him to.
A thing unpredictable, from the start.

Because friendship sometimes, demolishes your bar of chocolates, in a matter of a few half seconds.
And then, carefully holds your hand to teach you, how to stitch up your heart.

Please, God, please.
As little pain as possible.
Let him break one piece at a time.

Someone tell him, your heart is not a bar of chocolates.
Broken. Sweet. Broken.
But never bitter.

But then again.
When you stop and think.
You know, somewhere,
it's always consumed with love.

Or even if it's not.
You say.
Hey no, that's okay.

If anything, one day,
he may have a thought.

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